In the field of antagonists, there can be a slippery slope
in how effective they can be. In many cases, this can be seen as a case for
flanderization and where many people would leave a franchise. This can be seen
with Mojo Jojo in both the anime and reboot versions of Power Puff Girls. However,
there are particular cases where characters
That isn’t the case with this week’s video game antagonist.
General Plastro, the commanding General of the Tan Army and
Leader of its nation.
Abilities: Commands the entire Tan Nation
Now General Plastro represents the complete opposite of our
last villain, Stahl. While Stahl was a more serious and cunning villain,
Plastro is the exact opposite. He first made his debut in 1998 in the game Army
Men, the first of many in this franchise. He was used initially more as a figure head then anything and didn’t have
any lines. Given the tone of the game, it could be inferred he was a man you
wouldn’t want to trifle with.
However, as the games went on and we saw much more of him,
his personality turned to a more comical flare. Plastro is essentially a Card-Carrying Villain. A villain who for all intents and purposes is evil just to be
evil or very simple reasons. Plastro of course wants power and to conquer the
other color nations, but his schemes tend to reflect that.
Now for a game about war, one might think Plastro doesn’t
fit. I would disagree. This is a game about toy army men and while it does play
the storyline seriously at points, it still revels in its absurdity. Plastro
works because he fits in perfectly with the absurdity and allows the audience
to both hate and laugh at him whenever he appears. He is of course,
incompetent, but his army and many other notable members of the Tan Army make
up for it. Even then, he isn’t to be
trifled with as while his schemes are kind of out there, he knows well enough
how to use them.